
| OCJ of Shepherdglen AD, BH, SchH1, TR-2 | DOB: Nov. 18, 2005. CJ is a large and substantial dog who is extremely powerful and fast in protection with calm, full and hard grips. He has exceptional drives for all phases of the work, is a very clear thinker, excellent hunt drive, and has very high trainability. CJ is a unique dog in that he builds drive the more he works in obedience. He is a natural tracker with a very good work ethic in this phase. He is also a very social and happy dog, is void of dog aggression and is great with children. We are in pursuit of his SchH 2, SchH 3, FH1 and the Koerklasse Rating. Handler owned and trained since he was a 7 week old puppy. Hip certification: Pre Lim "Excellent" Click on a Picture 
Training Clips Below with CJ When He Was 15 Months Old | | Training the Hold & Bark | 
| More Hold & Bark Training | 
| Bite on The Helper | 
| Work on the Long Line With CJ | 
| Training The Transport with CJ | 
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