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"To breed for German Shepherd Dog pets is exactly what will kill this breed and will eventually take it down to a breed worth nothing more than any other mutt coming out of the pound. I like to think that this breed, if no other, is more special than that, and has a function and purpose. Never should someone breed a dog who will fit into the lifestyles of all people. In all cases, the people looking for a companion must be able to conform their lifestyles to the breed that they have chosen. If they can't -- they ought to choose a different breed" | 

| "The only way to understand and estimate the nature of the German Shepherd Dog is to study his whole development. Such a task requires a sympathetic, dog-loving observer, who tries as far as possible to enter into the innermost mind of the dog, and who will know how to short circuit, for a time, all his purely human points of view. Whoever is not prepared to do this, but will only draw conclusions from the eminence of his own particular human point of view, will obtain a distorted picture: for him, many a characteristic will always remain alien, and even perhaps altogether repugnant. To such a one, the dog, above all, can never become a comforter in times of solitary anxiety. Show me your dog, and I will show you what manner of man you are." - Capt. Max v Stephanitz, Founder of the German Shepherd Dog
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